Sunday, April 13, 2008

Howdy All

Howdy all!!  I thought since everyone was doing this I would join.  i know my mom said never give into peer pressure but I am old enough to make up my own mind. This is all brand new to me so forgive me if its lame or boring.  i am use to using my mac account to blog. Well we are ll good, Cameron or youngest is sick right now. Yes again. He has to go in for a MRI cause of his migraines and the pressure behind his right eye didn't look right so we are going to get an MRI. Not sure when that is but I will post it soon.  You know how long ti takes to get it approved. Because we have to sedate him he has to go to another hospital for it. So it is a long process. Morgan is 11 now and will be 12 in august. He will get the priesthood then. Thats kinda scary for me to think about. But then again its a awesome time for him. He is in junior high now and loves art and is getting a 3.78 GPA.  6th grade was a hard adjustment for him. But he is doing well, he is taking all honor class's and love to go to school, he is really social too. Not shy like his dad, so he gets his social skills from me and his grades from his dad. :)  Kirtland is 9 years old and is our funny boy. He is a riot, he likes school but does not love it.  He is a good kid. Loves scouts and loves to take things apart to see what they look like inside but sometimes he does not put it back together and i find it all in pieces hidden somewhere.  He is going on vacation with my folks this summer up north. So he is stoked about that right now. He loves to build stuff with legos along with his brothers. He is good big brother when he wants to be. He is just like me in all things. I have a picture of me when I was his age and if you put longer hair and pig tales its me. I think with 4 kids and 3 of them are like their dad I should get one who is me. :)  Brandon is six and is playing baseball right now. He has coach pitch and is really good, I had one of the dads come up to me and tell me "Wow he has talent, he is really good." He is the 3rd child and I think he is a over achiever, he reads at a 2nd grade level even though he is in 1st and he is the top of his class in most things. He is a great talker, he can sell you anything. He is going to be a good lawyer or salesmen. I would he be a lawyer cause salesmen are never home. Bill is with the Riverside County Sheriff he is a Corporal now. He has been at the Perris station now for 6 1/2 years now. He's been a corporal for 2. He was off for almost a year 5 years ago this past Easter due to his thumb and hand injury. But after his surgery and working on it and buying a new gun and holster he is back to work and mostly full throttle!!! He loves his job. Well I guess there's me. I am so much better as of 2 months ago. It's like night and day. I got some new medications for the fibromyalgia and oh my gosh it's a miracle, days are better and I do have bad days but not as often. My migraines are better too. I don't wake up with one every morning now. I didnt realize how bad I was off. Lucky I have such a great husband and kids. They were and are such a great support. Well off to check the Cameron boy and it's sunday our family movie day. Hope you are all great. Please feel free to call me or me at kirtgan @ mac . com  ...   

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